Martin and Maria Perez
San Luis De La Paz, Guanajuato, Mexico
Martin Perez has worked with the Church of Christ in San Luis De La Paz since 2008. The city has a population of over 101,000 in the Central Highlands region of Mexico. At first the work in this city, with a strong Catholic influence, was met with rejection, vandalism, cursing, and even stones being throne at them. Little by little they have been able to earn the respect from the people and steadfastly continue the work of Christ.
In addition to the normal activities in the life of the church, Martin is active in a couple of large evangelism campaigns with church members from other cities in their area, a Help the Needy Campaign twice a year to meet the needs of people in dire circumstances, and a Vacation Bible School that reaches several children in their city.
Read the latest newsletter updating the work in San Luis de la Paz.
To donate, visit, or get more involved with the Perezes and their work, contact Art Martinez.