Resources for Sharing Jesus
"So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to do everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20, GW).
Those of us who know Jesus genuinely want to share the wonderful gift we have received with others. Many of us, however, feel inadequate to do so. Use the resources on this page to become equipped to more effectively and confidently share Jesus with others.
"Becoming a Christian"
This helpful study tool invites a person to read (and even re-read) passages of Scripture and answer questions based on the passages. God's Word speaks for itself, doing its powerful work, and lets the Holy Spirit speak through the words. The study begins with "Coming to Know Jesus," then investigates "Becoming a Christian," and discusses "Living the Christian Life."
"Jesus Can ..."
This study will impress upon you the importance of sharing Jesus with others, give you a tool for marking your Bible to help as you share Jesus, and provide you with three lessons (primarily from the Book of Mark) to use with others are you share Jesus with them.
Discovery Bible Study
This is a step-by-step approach to get into a passage of Scripture and personally apply its truth to your life. As you ask the questions, “What does it say?”, “What does it mean?” and “What will I do?”, the words of the Bible will spring to life in your personal walk with Christ. Use with people new to the Bible to help them discover God's truths for themselves.
World Bible School

World Bible School (WBS) began as a way to offer Bible study opportunities to foreign students – by mail or online – using WBS curriculum materials. These materials can also be given to or used with a friend one-on-one. There are no time limits and no schedules. You work through the material at your friend's pace.
Material can be picked up from the Green Lawn church office, or check out the WBS website.
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