Welcome, Green Lawn Kids!

Age Groups

Babies and Toddlers

How old do you have to be before you can learn about God?

Here at Green Lawn, our babies and toddlers start learning about how special they are to God from the time they are born.  Our goal is to assist parents by supporting them and providing resources as they lead their children through the ages and stages of spiritual formation.

Age 3-Years through Pre-Kindergarten

A Special Time to Explore the Goodness of God
and the Love of Jesus!

Here at Green Lawn, young children are given lots of opportunities to explore the special world God gave us, and to experience the wonderful love Jesus has for them.  This is a critical time for these children to grow and learn about God, and we assist parents with resources to show the love of God and nurture their children in His love.

Special Events

Bible classes are just one of the special activities you can be a part of at Green Lawn.  Take advantage of these other ways we support you as a parent of a young child.

Visit your child’s Bible class at anytime. Parents are always welcome to observe a child’s class.

  • Faith Builders Prize Center. Children can earn tickets as they participate in Bible class.  These tickets can then be redeemed at the Faith Builders Prize Center for faith related toys, CDs, videos, and more.
  • Vacation Bible School. Get ready for four exciting evenings of Bible discovery!  When VBS comes to Green Lawn, you just never know where you may journey.  You can be certain, however, that you will leave knowing more about God and His will for you than when you came.  Bring the whole family.  There is something for everyone!
  • God’s Little Princess Tea Party. Moms and their young daughters spend a delightful afternoon sharing “tea” and wondering at the special idea God had when He made little girls.
  • Frog Party. Boys just seem to love icky things.  At this party, dads and young sons discover the special plans God has for little boys.
  • Sundaes on Sunday. Dads are an important part of a little girl’s life.  There are some sweet activities at this party as dads teach their daughters just how sweet God created them to be.
  • ________________.  Little boys dream of growing up to be a hero.  When moms and their young sons enjoy this playtime together, boys learn that is just what God wants them to be, too.
  • Treat Night. Halloween has traditionally been a special night to dress up and Trick-or-Treat in the neighborhood.  Times have changed, however, and parents do not always feel comfortable taking their little ones out.  Green Lawn opens the building for a night of Trick-or-Treating in the building.  It’s a great, safe way to spend time with other families.

Kindergarten through 5th Grade

A Special Time to Discover the Truth of God’s Word!

School-age children are naturally curious, and they have a hunger to learn new and exciting things.  At Green Lawn, children experience the Book that will challenge them for the rest of their lives, and grow to love God and His Son in the process.  Plenty of opportunities to explore God’s word awaits kids.  Faith begins at home as parents are the primary influencers of their children of all ages, and we strive to support them through this important period of their children's lives.

Special Events

Bible classes are just one of the special activities you can be a part of at Green Lawn.  Take advantage of these other ways we support you as a parent of a young child.

Visit your child’s Bible class at anytime. Parents are always welcome to observe a child’s class.

  • Faith Builders Prize Center. Children can earn tickets as they participate in Bible class.  These tickets can then be redeemed at the Faith Builders Prize Center for faith related toys, CDs, videos, and more.
  • Vacation Bible School. Get ready for four exciting evenings of Bible discovery!  When VBS comes to Green Lawn, you just never know where you may journey.  You can be certain, however, that you will leave knowing more about God and His will for you than when you came.  Bring the whole family.  There is something for everyone!
  • Mother-Daughter Makeover Party. Girls want to feel pretty.  Moms and their daughters enjoy an afternoon of beauty secrets, and learn that the beauty God created us for on the inside outshines any beauty we have on the outside.
  • Father-Son Sock Wars. Yes, it’s a bit unusual, but oh so much fun.  All the while, dads help their sons understand the important role men play in the spiritual battle that is around us every day.
  • Thrilling Thursdays! Four special Thursdays during the summer await children who have completed 1st-4thGrades.  On each of these days, the kids spend some time serving others and sharing God’s love with others in the community.  Then they enjoy a recreational activity.  It’s great fun and a great way to learn how to give of yourself.
  • Camp Followin’. During one week in July, children who have completed 3rd Grade and older head to the mountains of New Mexico for camp.  Camp Followin’ has been Green Lawn’s homegrown camp for over 25 years.
  • Leadership Training for Christ. Training for leadership in the Lord’s church is an important part of becoming a disciple.  Children in 3rd Grade and older are equipped for several ministry-related roles.  The training culminates in a trip to Dallas in the spring to the annual Leadership Training for Christ Conference.  The trip has truly become a family occasion.
  • Treat Night. Halloween has traditionally been a special night to dress up and Trick-or-Treat in the neighborhood.  Times have changed, however, and parents do not always feel comfortable taking their little ones out.  Green Lawn opens the building for a night of Trick-or-Treating in the building.  It’s a great, safe way to spend time with other families.

Mission of the Green Lawn Teaching Ministry

The Teaching Ministry of the Green Lawn church wants to assist you in being transformed into the image of Christ by helping you cultivate a closer and more meaningful relationship with God and with others who love God.

How we go about achieving this goal ...

  • We provide Bible classes and other educational settings that guide persons through learning activities appropriate to their development and stages in life.
  • We have a highly effective staff of Bible teachers who guide their learners in Bible study and application.
  • We challenge learners to grow in their knowledge of God's word and His will for their lives.
  • We reach out to others in our community who do not know God and help them discover a saved relationship with our Lord.
  • We provide opportunities for intergenerational gatherings and interaction.
  • We support the family units within our larger church family, realizing that each family is different in structure and need.
  • We provide opportunities for persons to be involved in the work of ministry at Green Lawn, and provide training to be a part of that work.
  • We seek and announce opportunities for persons to encourage and help one another.
  • We provide special learning opportunities that address specific needs of life – e.g., classes, workshops, seminars, retreats, etc.
  • We strive to provide the best possible teaching resources and learning environment which are conducive to meeting these objectives.
Children's Events


Friday, June 20, 2025, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM



Saturday, June 21, 2025, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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Join us June 23-26 from 6:22-8:00 PM as we investigate the Flood. The Flood was a global catastrophe of the highest order, and it changed the Earth forever. Everyone who was alive at the time, except for Noah and his family, died.

We believe the biblical account of the Flood is a wonderful teaching opportunity.

Join us with the F.B.I. (Flood Bible Investigators) as we discover the truth about one of the most impactful events in human history.

We will be investigating the WORLD, the MAN, the ARK, the ANIMALS, and the FLOOD.

Register Here!