World Bible School
World Bible School offers Bible study opportunities, by mail, to foreign students through World Bible School curriculum materials with the purpose of spreading the gospel throughout the world as commanded by Christ.
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
(1 Peter 4:10)
Disciples of Jesus Christ are gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve in areas of ministry assigned by God (1 Corinthians 12:4-7). Your gifts combine with others in the community of faith to building up the Body of Christ and accomplish God's mission to the world. Green Lawn is very active with many ministries and mission opportunities for service which are making an impact for our Lord Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God in our city, our nation, and in places around the world. Discovering your unique place of service and experiencing the joy of serving is the desire of the leadership of the Green Lawn church.
While we have many, diverse ministries going on at all times at Green Lawn, they are all a part of one, unified purpose. They form one, large net, if you will, that seeks to bring people into a closer walk of discipleship with Jesus Christ. When we teach, we do so to tell them about Jesus. When we clothe and feed, we introduce others to the Source of all blessings. When we help heal emotional and relational wounds, we bring persons to the Great Physician who provides the divine prescription for our ills. When we spend time together in fellowship, we point one another to the Master of the Banquet.
Heather explains how she came to appreciate and love God's grace for her, and why she is all in for her walk of faith in Jesus Christ.
World Bible School offers Bible study opportunities, by mail, to foreign students through World Bible School curriculum materials with the purpose of spreading the gospel throughout the world as commanded by Christ.
The mission of the Green Lawn Singles Ministry is to encourage one another to grow to be like Christ in our mind, spirit, and actions as He, too, walked this earth as a single adult.
Let us help you find your God-given role of ministry.
We are a community of believers committed to seeing people become fully devoted followers of Christ and leaders in our community. We invite all young adults, whether single or married, to be part of our ministry.
The large number of university students in the city of Lubbock, along with our close association and location to Lubbock Christian University, and the need to reach out to those students for the purpose of teaching, equipping and making disciples...
The Youth and Family Ministry at Green Lawn is dedicated to supporting teens as they mature in their own personal relationships with Christ and equipping them with the tools they need to reach out to others. It also wants to be a resource to...
Harvest Groups consist of small gatherings of men, women and children who focus on discipleship and outreach through Bible study and service. Here we do life together and learn what it means to actively love God and love others.
Father's Hands is a ministry of hope. This ministry focuses on serving the community in a wide variety of ways utilizing the many skills and talents at Green Lawn.
Heather shares her story of how she came to know and appreciate the love of Christ in her life, and why she is all in as she walks the life of faith.