Weekday Classes (Summer)

Weekday Bible Studies

Pick a study that will help you grow in your daily walk of faith

10:00 am on Tuesday Mornings

Will Continue to Meet Informally During the Summer

Tuesday mornings at Green Lawn are a great time for ladies to come together for Bible study and encouragement. Starting this January, the Ladies' class will spend time in a discussion-based class where table groups will focus on scriptures and Bible Characters that exemplify that week's virtue and how those virtues can be applied to our lives today.

5:00 pm Early Bird Class on Wednesday Evenings

Resumes September 6

Teacher: Roger Dykes

7:00 pm on Wednesday Evenings

The Chosen

What in the World is God Doing?

"What is God doing?" How many times has that question crossed your mind? What can we know about His activity in our world? What can we discover about His purposes? What can we better understand about His mind and His heart? What in the world is God doing ... and how can we be a part of it?

Teacher: Dewey Howard

Women of Faith Group - That You Might Believe

You sit on the jury. The questions in your hands are life-changing. Is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God? The Gospel of John presents the evidence that challenges you to answer this question. Walk with the people who meet Jesus. Listen to their stories and witness how they are transformed. Get your feet wet as Jesus walks on water. Sit with the crowds as bread and fish are multiplied before your eyes. Stand at the Cross, and weep. Look inside the empty tomb, and shout for Joy.

Teacher: Linda Booker