Tell Me THE STORY - Week 46

The Kingdom of God Advances

The church … became stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the Lord.
And with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, it also grew in numbers.
(Acts 9:31, NLT)

The early years of the church were an exciting time as the number of believers grew and they shared the joys and blessings of the Lord. They also suffered strong opposition from Jews who resisted the preaching of the resurrected Christ and the Lordship of Jesus in the Kingdom of God. It was a time of enthusiasm and of struggle, and through it all the church grew and spread because Jesus was at work and the Holy Spirit encouraged the believers with power. If we want to experience the same excitement and find the same strength, it will be because of the same work of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit.

Watch these videos as you read THE STORY this week.

"Acts At A Glance"

"James At A Glance"

"Galatians At A Glance"

Bible At A Glance is a copyrighted resource and may be purchased at

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