Tell Me THE STORY - Week 7

God Shapes a People for Himself

Among those who approach me I will be proved holy;

in the sight of all people I will be honored. (Leviticus 10:3)

The Lord is a God of Covenant. He had made a covenant with Adam and Eve, with Noah, and with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Covenants were God's way of saying, "I love you. I intend to bless you. I want to bless others through you."

As the Israelites camped at the foot of Mt. Sinai, God established a new Covenant with His people of promise. With this new Covenant, God desired to transform this group of former slaves into His "treasured possession," "a kingdom of priests," and "a holy nation" (Ex 19:5-6). The Law would teach God's people about their new identity and God's claim on them. They were called to reflect His character as a light to all mankind.

Watch this video as you continue THE STORY in Exodus.

"Exodus at a Glance"

Watch this video as THE STORY moves to Leviticus.

"Leviticus At A Glance"

Bible At A Glance is a copyrighted resource and may be purchased at

Study Notes  Visual Aids

Reading Leviticus