The Fellowship of Christ We Share
03.04.18 | Resources | Adults | by Bruce Smith
There is one, most important ingredient for the functioning of a healthy Body of Christ – GOD’S LOVE.
What God has said isn't only alive and active! It is sharper than any double-edged sword. His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts."
(Hebrews 4:12)
The Bible is the story of God and His interaction with His creation, which He loves. It interprets our world, and helps us understand who we are and what we can become by the grace of God.
The Bible studies on our website have been used in adult Bible classes and study groups to dig into God's word together. Through them the Bible has guided our search for God, a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ, a continual transformation by the work of the Spirit, and an understanding of God's purposes for us. Use the series and outlines to guide you in personal Bible study and spiritual growth. New studies are constantly added.
There is one, most important ingredient for the functioning of a healthy Body of Christ – GOD’S LOVE.
Be challenged by God’s messenger to renewal and the holiness without which no one will see the Father.