Bright Horizons

Enroll now for the 2025-2026 session! See details below.

Foundations for Life

Bright Horizons provides a loving and safe environment for children to learn and grow. It is our goal to assist families in building a Christian foundation that will last a lifetime. Our desire is for children to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, His word, and the world He created for us.

For children ages birth through Pre-K

Mondays and Wednesdays
September - May
9:00am - 2:30pm
Tuition is $185 a month for each child

Extended Care Options Available
7:45am - 9:00am ($75 a month)
2:30pm - 5:00pm ($105 a month)

Classroom Ratios
We’ve curated a program-wide atmosphere that is peaceful, organized and full of love by providing two well-trained caregivers per classroom, allowing the individualized care of each child to be prioritized by the maintenance of our advantageously low student to teacher ratios.


Bright Horizons use a song and Bible-based curriculum called See & Know in our baby to two-year-old classes. This curriculum teaches Bible truths through songs and hands-on activities.

In our older classes (2 years-old to Pre-K) the curriculum is Bible-based, studying the Old Testament stories in the Fall, Jesus’ birth at Christmas, and moving into the New Testament in the Spring. The children are instructed in letter recognition, numbers, colors and shapes, with age-appropriate activities. In addition, the Pre-K classes work on skills such as writing, cutting, tracing, sequencing, and following instructions.

Music & Movement

Students participate in a Music and Movement class every school day. This class focuses on learning through activities that combine music, physical movement such as singing and dancing, and even playing instruments. This is an important part of early childhood education and can help develop social, cognitive, and physical skills. Students will learn worship songs and some sign language during this class time.


Our program meets together for Chapel once a month. During this time, we sing praise songs that have been taught in our Music and Movement classes, share a Bible story, practice our verse of the month, and celebrate the birthdays for the month. This is a special time to come and worship together.

For more information or if you wish to schedule a tour, please contact Alexe’ Buschman at  .

Enrollment for 2025-2026


  • If you have a CURRENT student with Bright Horizons, you do not need to create a new account. Just click the link above and login.

  • If you are NEW to Bright Horizons, Please click the link above and create an account with Brightwheel using your PHONE NUMBER (not your email address) to secure a spot for your child at Bright Horizons Preschool for the 2025-2026 school year. You will need to click the link above for each child you wish to enroll.

  • After submitting the forms, they will be reviewed in the order they are received. In the event that a class is full you will be notified and put on the waiting list. If there is still room in the age-appropriate class, then you will receive a text with an invoice for the $100 non-refundable enrollment fee. You will have one hour to pay the enrollment fee before we move on to the next person on the list. Spots are first come, first serve and are not secure until the forms AND the fee has been paid.

 If you have any questions regarding enrollment or if you would like a tour please contact Alexe’ Buschman at  .

Happening Soon!
