
“Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.  From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Ephesians 4:15-16).

Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is a life-long process of spiritual transformation (Romans 12:1-2).  The Green Lawn family joins together at regular times to encourage one another along this journey.  One of the best ways we help one another grow is through our adult Bible study groups.

Daily Bible Reading Schedule

“Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it's written for us. God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will do next” (Rom 15:4, MSG). Our Bible is a collection of 66 books, written over a period of 1,500 years, by 40 authors.  It was written in 3 different languages, on 3 continents, divided for us into 2 parts.  Most importantly, it contains 1 story inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit so that we may know God.

This is God’s story: revealing Himself and His relationship with creation.  This is mankind’s story: our purpose, our failed attempts to fulfill God’s ideal, and our yearning to relate with God and others well.  And this is our story: God’s redemptive work to rescue mankind and draw us back to Himself.

Stay in God's throughout the year.

Use the resources from the series Tell Me THE STORY as you read through the Bible this year. Or sign up below to receive a daily Bible reading schedule.

Sunday Mornings

Our Sunday morning adult groups are smaller communities of faith within the larger church family. Relationships are formed that last a lifetime. We spend time sharing one another's lives, praying for one another, carrying one another's burdens, and celebrating one another's joys.

The Sunday morning lessons are primarily textual studies – that is, they study through the various books of the Bible.  As we carefully dig into God's word, we discover His answers to the important questions of our lives.  And we learn how our lives can become what God intended for them to be.

Adult classes are currently studying:

Find a Bible Study Group That's Right for You

Some classes will be livestreamed on the Green Lawn Spiritual Formation Youtube channel.

Sundays at 9:15 am

  • Primetime Life (60s+) - Fellowship Hall
  • Adults 4 Christ (60-70s) – Room 119
  • Faith Followers (50-60s) – Room 123/124
  • Lasting Legacies (40-50s) – Room 209
  • T.L.C. (40-50s) – Room 205
  • Torch Bearers (30-40s) – Room 127
  • M.A.S.H (30-40s) – Room 201
  • Sacred Journey (20-30s) Room 203
  • Y.A.C. (20s) - Room 204
  • Open Hearts - Room 125/126
  • Alpha Omega  Room 121/122
  • Seekers  Room 207
  • Special Needs Adults - Room 117
  • New Member Class - Room 208

Class lessons can be found on the Green Lawn Spiritual Formation YouTube Channel.

Classes during the Week

Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am

The Tuesday Ladies Bible Class is a wonderful opportunity to grow in God's word and share life with women of all ages and life stages who are trying to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  This group meets weekly during the school year from 10:00 to 11:00 am.  Time is spent in Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and working together in service to those who have special needs and concerns.

Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm

Wednesday classes are elective courses – series of study from which adults can pick and choose what best meets their study interests or personal needs. New courses start every one to three months.

Generally speaking, Wednesday series tend to be topical and needs-based.  Even then, the courses follow the truth in Scripture very closely and bring in discoveries from other disciplines as they are helpful.

Other studies during the week

Other opportunities for group Bible study are often available throughout the week in addition to our regular Sunday and Wednesday classes. Everyone's schedule is different, and these weekday studies offer something for those who could use an alternate time during the week.

Weekday Bible studies, whether on Wednesdays or another time during the week, provide wonderful opportunities to study with persons you do not always see on a regular basis.  New relationships are formed, old ones are strengthened, and our faith walk grows through studies that enrich our lives.

View Current Classes

Some classes can be found on the Green Lawn Teaching Ministry YouTube Channel.

Welcome to Bible study. This time is for you. It is for you to dig deeper into the Word of God and allow His message to change your life. It is for you to grow closer in your relationship with God and with our Lord Jesus Christ as you allow Him to speak to you in His Word. It is time for you to be empowered by the Holy Spirit as He produces the fruit of walking by the Spirit. It is for you to spend time in prayer asking God to bless you as you study His Word.

Many, as they approach the Bible for personal study, do not know where to start. The 66 books of the Bible can be intimidating, or the process can be unfamiliar. Use the resources on this page as aids to get you started.

Remember: The goal is not to know more about the Bible or to "cover the material" in the Bible. Nor is it to read through the Bible for the sake of saying you have. We must fight the pride of becoming "experts" on Scripture -- as if our primary goal is to know "book, chapter and verse" on everything. Getting into the pages of Scripture is to know the One who authored it. It is to experience the transformation that is possible by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).

Enjoy the journey! It is like no other you have ever been on.

Information is not Transformation.

Use the following resources to help you dig deeper into God's message in Scripture.

Going Deeper Into Christ with Daily Quiet Time.  Use this to record your thoughts and feelings based on what you read.  Writing down what you discover helps you to concentrate on the passage, zero in on the key points, and instill in your mind the things God wants you to remember.

Discovery Bible Study.  This is a step-by-step approach to get into a passage of Scripture and apply its truth to your life.  As you ask the questions, “What does it say?”, “What does it mean?” and “What will I do?”, the words of the Bible will spring to life in your personal walk with Christ.

Transformational Bible Study.  This Bible study approach provides a God-centered way of getting into Scripture.  By first asking the question “What is God doing?” we are better equipped to determine how to participate with God in the work He wants to accomplish in us.

Steps for an In-Depth Study of the Bible.  This outlines several essential steps for a thorough study of Scripture.  Use it as a guide as you open your Bible to help you get as much from your study as you can.

Bible Study Outlines

Click on any of the series of Bible studies listed here and use the outline to guide you in personal Bible study. Check back periodically as we add additional studies to the list. Check out more Bible studies here.

Who Is Jesus?


Mark's gospel focuses on who Jesus is as Messiah and Son of God, the authority that is His because of who He is, and what it means for His...

Worth It!


The apostle Peter gave a declarative "Yes!" to the scattered church in his day –  faith and life in Christ is more than worth it.


