Welcome to Bible study. This time is for you. It is for you to dig deeper into the Word of God and allow His message to change your life. It is for you to grow closer in your relationship with God and with our Lord Jesus Christ as you allow Him to speak to you in His Word. It is time for you to be empowered by the Holy Spirit as He produces the fruit of walking by the Spirit. It is for you to spend time in prayer asking God to bless you as you study His Word.
Many, as they approach the Bible for personal study, do not know where to start. The 66 books of the Bible can be intimidating, or the process can be unfamiliar. Use the resources on this page as aids to get you started.
Remember: The goal is not to know more about the Bible or to "cover the material" in the Bible. Nor is it to read through the Bible for the sake of saying you have. We must fight the pride of becoming "experts" on Scripture -- as if our primary goal is to know "book, chapter and verse" on everything. Getting into the pages of Scripture is to know the One who authored it. It is to experience the transformation that is possible by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).
Enjoy the journey! It is like no other you have ever been on.
Information is not Transformation.
Use the following resources to help you dig deeper into God's message in Scripture.
Going Deeper Into Christ with Daily Quiet Time. Use this to record your thoughts and feelings based on what you read. Writing down what you discover helps you to concentrate on the passage, zero in on the key points, and instill in your mind the things God wants you to remember.
Discovery Bible Study. This is a step-by-step approach to get into a passage of Scripture and apply its truth to your life. As you ask the questions, “What does it say?”, “What does it mean?” and “What will I do?”, the words of the Bible will spring to life in your personal walk with Christ.
Transformational Bible Study. This Bible study approach provides a God-centered way of getting into Scripture. By first asking the question “What is God doing?” we are better equipped to determine how to participate with God in the work He wants to accomplish in us.
Steps for an In-Depth Study of the Bible. This outlines several essential steps for a thorough study of Scripture. Use it as a guide as you open your Bible to help you get as much from your study as you can.