Sep 2, 2018 | by Dewey Howard
"Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it's written for us.
God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm,
personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us,
keeping us alert for whatever he will do next” (Rom 15:4, MSG).
Tell Me THE STORY is an opportunity to read, study and discuss the 1 story of God. It follows a reading plan through the Bible in chronological order. Each week consists of 6 days of readings. Sundays are a time to reflect that portion of the story. God’s word will be our study material, and through it the Holy Spirit will work in us to shape and transform us.
This is God’s STORY: revealing Himself and His relationship with creation.
This is mankind’s STORY: our purpose, our failed attempts to fulfill God’s ideal, and our yearning to relate with God and others well.
And this is OUR story: God’s redemptive work to rescue mankind and draw us back to Himself.
Download the entire reading plan.
Pull up study notes and visuals used for each week of study.
As you move from the Old Testament to the New Testament,
take a look at "The Period between the Testaments."
Are you thinking of using "Tell Me THE STORY" for a study group or Bible class?
Take a look at these suggestions for using this series of study.